Thursday, November 20, 2008

Christmas Thoughts

So, I just love christmas time!! I am just about all finished with all my shopping!!! I have turned all the radios that I have came in contact with to the christmas station about a week or so ago. Work, jeep, explorer, truck, house, every where you listen there is christmas music! I wish they had that station all year long! I have even put up my christmas tree down stairs. Its all cowboy and for buying decorations over a period of years, I must say it looks very well put together! I even have all the gifts  I have bought wrapped and under the tree as well!!! At worked we planned our christmas party today, and I am in charge of games because I accused them of being no fun! So I have been gathering ideas for group games all day.  I love christmas because of the time off work, the hot coco, the mistletoe, but most of all because our whole family is together while making ginger bread houses, playin nertz, and taking family photos! Its just a great time of year and it puts a smile on my face!  


Leslie said...

Cute tree--I think Jeremy wants ours to be a cowboy tree too, too bad for him because I don't have any cowboy ornaments. Maybe next year. I'm amazed it's done already AND you have your gifts purchased AND wrapped. Wow. Wish I could be that on top of things...

R. Jordan & Whitney Layne said...

you have a blog! how fun! I miss you and our crazy tuachahn days. I hope life is wonderful for you!