Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Helping From Boston:

I just wanted to voice (type) my gratitude for my dear friend "Sister Katherin Caldwell". Who could have or would have ever thought that even from the other side of the country she could still be helpping me out. It seams the last few weeks when I feel down, ya know the feeling when you feel like throwing yourself a pitty party: because everything isnt going how you think it should be going, or someone didnt react the way you wanted them or you yourself didnt stand up for what you should have or even not feeling the love from that someone. ANYWHO: Katherin the last few weeks happens to either e-mail me a quick note or I receive her letters on the day it proves most helpful. She always seems to have the right words, that something I just needed to hear to help kick me outta my funk. She was always a great friend while she was here and she is proving to be an even better friend serving the Lord in Boston. You'd think she has the Lord workin on her side or something :) So, thank you Kat for believing in me when I feel no one else is- you are the best friend I could have asked for!