Friday, April 12, 2013

Spring has Sprung

Happy spring break to me! I was lucky enough to have a few days of in March to go home to what I thought was sunshine. I woke up in Cedar to this crap on my car. Snow just loves me so much it followed me all the way from logan to cedar city! yikes, how do I disappoint him, its not going to work out! 

But to brighten my spirits was this handsome lad. All the time in the world would not be enough time!

Also, I got me a new pair of kicks! I love them soo much I just might wear them to a wedding one day :)

This was just some of the fun I had while home, got to ride horses with my Papa and watch Linc rope his first cow! Seth was super nice and made the boys their very own roping dummy! Lincoln could not have been happier if it were christmas morning! Seth and Linc were outside until dark roping!

 Soaking up sunshine that I found in St. George!!!! Got dreamsicles for the kids (so naturally for me). I am not used to sunshine or warmth I had to take a break inside to stop sweating. haha TMI 

We celebrated a few March Birthdays at our house. Laura and Ashley's! This college is at Ashley's celebration party!

And this is Laura's day,which also happens to be saint pattys day! 

And this....this is what happens when Laura and I make a bet to buy the loser dinner at olive garden if we miss ONE class in a week. Thats right, we have a hard time making all of our classes during the week, so we made a bet to motivate us. I get notes on my car and mirror "mmm this olive garden gonna taste even better when its free" and " sammi, this. was. dumb. 7am Laura" HAHAHA and I couldn't even get up in time to get ready, I wore a hat 5 days straight.
 And thats the start of my spring if you can call it that here in logan we have seen 57 degrees ONCE! Its killing me not to have sunshine and warmth but I keep prayin it will come!