Saturday, April 7, 2012

Retail 101

The past few nights working till close at my job has made me feel like I need to share some tips about retail DO NOTS.

*If you call to ask what time they close to find its in 15 minuets, DO NOT say I am on my way. No matter how close you live that is not enough time to get the things you need.

*If you walk in five minutes after the close sign DO NOT answer I am just looking when asked if there is anything we can help you find.

*If at 15 after they start shutting of lights, its a good sign the employees wanna go home to their families, not your que to yell that your still in there shopping.

*If asked while at check out 10 minuets after closing if you found everything DO NOT reply "No, I didnt have time to look around" (we have only been open 11 hours today with a smile of course)

*If you call to find we close sooner than you thought, DO NOT make the clerk do your quick shopping of ten things around the store and have them set outside for you. (we work retail, we HATE shopping)

*If you come to the door and its locked, DO NOT pound on it continually until someone appears to ask if they are closed, THEY ARE CLOSED. And, no even if you need just ONE thing we do not wanna open for you.

This is my two cents, it might be worth five cents with the YEARS I have in retail. There is many many more, but these are just the few about closing I witnessed the last while. I guess I should be happy I have a job, and happy I get paid by the hour, but honestly I am questioning why I am working in retail.

Fact is the customer is usually ALWAYS wrong.


Jan said...
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Jan said...

I'm just glad you are stilling smiling...especially when dealing with the customer :)