Sunday, April 5, 2009

Joys of Ranching

I was just going through photos on my computer and I ran across these two that I have.  In the last few years I have had a couple incidences..... photo #1
Dad, Jeremy and I went to get some horses out of Lynns pasture. We had about 6 horses and we only needed three of them. I was standing there haltering Zeek up when one of the free ones decided they wanted to play. She turned her butt and kicked at the shoulder of the horse I was haltering..... she has horrible aim. She got me. It dropped me, I was to the ground before I knew what happened. Dad and Jeremy didnt know what happened and told me to get up. I said " I just got kicked by the horse!" ha anyways so we walked the mile back to the trailer to load them up and I dropped my pants as soon as we got there to show them I did get kicked. There was nothing.... no red mark no bump nothing! While on the drive down the mountain my leg started to get hot, it started to swell up under my jeans I could feel it now. I got home and you could tell that something happened. No hoof print or anything but still. This photo was taken like within the next 2 days after it happened. It did have its yellow purple stage and it was gross. I tried to wear longer shorts to work because this was during the summer. But unfortunately for me this is not the end of gross bruises.... 

Photo #2

This one was last october. We were at the black ridge taggin calves. My job was to get the little ones into the chute and push them up through. Anyways so we had done about 40 head and  I was pushing the last little group up into the bucket, and the biggest one I swear kicked back and got me right in the shin! My Mom was right there on the other side of the fence and saw it. I yelled my profanities and pushed them up. After we got through I was feeling it bad, I go and sit in the explorer and tried to lift up my pant leg to see what happened and low and be hold there was nothing. Flip! Dad is yelling at me to go help him and I am limping and gritting my teeth. It wasnt untill the next few days the bruise emerged. It was painful for the longest time. I couldnt kneel, cross my legs, sit indian style, nothing. ha This photo was taken probably 3 or 4 weeks after it happened. I went to Indiana around this time and I had to do ALOT of walkin there by the end of that week it had drained into my ankle. Now my ankle was bruised too! It was bad news. I still to this day 6 months later I have a little bruise on my shin. I have a lump on my leg that probably will never go away or so I am told. 

The best thing about both of these incidents is that I didnt cry! haha And that I was doing something that I enjoy to do. I love days out at the farm with my Pa. We have lots of fun stories that many people just read in story books. 


Leslie said...

Oh Sammi. OUCH. Don't you hate it when they don't believe it was bad, then love it when you have something to show for it. And these Larson men sure aren't very sympathetic...

Will and Chelsea said...

OUCH!! Are you trying to scare me from horses and cattle?!

I just found your blog and I'm so glad I did! My blog is private, so I will send you an invite...

Jan said...

So, it's true afterall...
"Cowgirls don't cry!"