Friday, March 13, 2009

New Computer!

I have been wanting my own laptop, for the LONGEST time. I havnt ever really saved enough money to get one, its hard when its something not right in front of my face, and plus something always comes up with more importance and the money gets spent. SO, I got a bunch of money back from taxes and poof the idea came to me just like that. Then poof the money was in my account and poof it was gone again. It came this past wednesday but I had them deliver it to my big brother Cassidy and he got it all set up for me! 

I am so excited to transfer all my photos and things over to my new computer, I can get everything done I want too! yay! But now I am broke once again :)

1 comment:

Leslie said...

YAY for you! I'm jealous. I want one of my own. Whenever Jer takes his to work I get lazy and don't want to sit down at the real comp. Do you have all your mouse pad tricks figured out?