Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Chapter

The new news is.... I am MOVING TO CEDAR! Yes, I have "known" about this for a few weeks now, so its not "new" but, its finally real. I have a date, a time, a place to start working. ahh the bliss of knowing. So, whats all this hype you ask? Well, about a month ago there was word that IFA (the company I work for) was opening a new HUGE store in Cedar City. Well thats just news I suppose unless your me, who has been stuck in limbo land. Stuck in a big ol' rut wondering what to do with my life. Not quite ready to quit my good job that I love to venture off into the life of a full time student, but not quite complete just working my life away. I felt like this was my answer. Move to cedar sure its cold, but I wont have the stress of finding a job like I would if I moved somewhere else, I can go to school in the fields I like (family consumer science/Agriculture) and mostly a new social life or a life period :) Just throwing this out there but... with an agriculture community comes lots of cowboys :) (Or, thats what I am banking on) Just what the doctor order I do believe. Any who, getting off subject here but I still dont have all the answers and still not sure I am going to love it 100% but, its a change and a change I desperately need. I start on monday, I get to help set up the store which for a few reasons I am super excited about, one, its a good change of what I do now so its exciting, two, no customers, no phones :) and three, I will have a say in where things go and will know where things are. I will be driving back and forth for a week or so slowly moving into my apartment when I get a few seconds. I am so excited but at the same time starting to question my knowledge and hope I do not let anyone down. I am excited for the new challenge and the new opportunities I will have. And the best news, if its not all I have hyped it up to be, I have thirty days until my job here in STG is gone :) Its all a bit bitter sweet.


Unknown said...

I am way excited for you and to see the new store yea! Good luck and I hope you find the life and that cowboy you've always dreamed of!

Jodi Carter said...

Sounds exciting! :) It was so fun to hang out and see you last weekend! Lets do it again soon..

Leslie said...

Yay so excited for ya! I love how the subject somehow switched to cowboys in the middle of your story. Haha. However I wil admit although I am happy for YOU I am soooooo sad for me. You better come visit all the time